How To Install From GitHub?

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No matter what kind of application, when you want to get it with latest code changes, there are several methods to install it. Some methods require compilation while others use rich installer tools. In this article, I'll show you few ways to install application from GitHub!

Install from GitHub

GitHub is a cloud-based open-source platform where people share their codes and apps for others to work on in the advancing software boom. Installing files from GitHub can be difficult as there is no proper stated method.

A particular user or an organization has its unique procedures based on their code and it depends on their sharing if you want to install their app. If you don’t know the repository from which you downloaded the files, the application cannot be installed.

When the access for the application is public, you can install the app on their repository through the GitHub Marketplace or if the author provides you an installation URL. If the application security is private, only the creator can install the app on repositories that he owns.

Even if someone installs the app on selected repositories as they wish, the creator’s GitHub application will have access to any repositories the app creates. If you also create a private GitHub App, you can install it on one of your original or user repositories.

For installing the app, tell your app provider to follow these steps so that you can install the app which has been shared.

Install and add users

In this method, the author/creator will install the application and distribute it to your repository. To do so:

  1. Tell him to go to the GitHub application “Setting” page.
  2. From there, tell him to select his app.
  3. Tell him to click “Install App” on the left side of the webpage.
  4. Then tell him to click “Install” next to the organization or user account containing the correct repository.
  5. Tell him to Install the application on all repositories in which he wants to send it.
  6. If the application is installed, he will be provided with the configuration options for the application. The options will only be available on his selected account. He can either make changes in the configuration settings or repeat the previously executed steps if he wants to install the application on another account.

Providing app in the GitHub market

You can download the app from the GitHub market if the owner shares a paid or free version. You can also view the details of the app if the creator shares the information in the GitHub market.

Providing URL for people to install

The owner of the app can provide an URL for you to install the application. To accomplish this:

  1. First, tell him to log in to your GitHub account from the GitHub application in his system interface.
  2. Tell him to configure the application he wants to provide to the people and select it.
  3. Then instruct him to go to his “Homepage URL”.
  4. Let him type the URL he wants to host his application's homepage and then he must click “Save Changes” to implement it.
  5. If you copy the URL from a public link and paste it into a browser, GitHub will take you to a landing page where the link to his “Homepage URL” is.
  6. Click the link and you will be able to install the app successfully.

Summary: Install from GitHub

  • Install "RStudio" and "R"
  • Create a folder for the project.
  • Download the repository.
  • Put the code in your RStudio working directory.
  • Load the packages.