How To Share MindMeister Maps?

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Share MindMeister maps

Mind Meister is an online platform that uses user clouds to create, present, & share your thoughts or mind maps with other people. You can generate a vision and illustrate it using this tool. Or you can be a part of a process by contributing to the map.

In any case, it has become a popular platform for revolutionizing our ideas through illustrations and sharing them with others. So in this know-how, we’re going to learn how to share a mind map with countless others.

Sharing a Mind Meister map

Mind Meister keeps all your mind maps private by default. However, you are allowed to share your mind maps with others if you want. You can either invite them through email or you can share an invitation link with them. 

The good thing is, you can share your mind maps as view only, so others only get to look at it. Or you can grant them editing access, so they can contribute and make adjustments.

You can also publish your Mind Meister mind maps so that people can publicly find and view them. See publishing mind maps for more information.

For now, let’s get back to the sharing process. 

Via email invitations

  1. Find the "Share" button at the bottom of the map.
  2. Click to open a “Share this map” window.
  3. Into the "Invite People" field, type in the email address and click on "Invite".

Send email invitations

Using the email invitation method, the person you've invited will receive a Mind Meister email. He can click on the invitation link to view your Mind Map. However, to access any Mind Meister content, the invitee must have at least a basic Mind Meister account. So he’ll be prompted to open one if he doesn’t have one already.

With the invitation, you’ll also grant them editing access. They can contribute and adjust your mind maps. If that’s not your intention, turn off editing access from the sharing settings menu.

Note that with premium access, you can create teams and send invitations to the whole group at once.

By link sharing

  1. Find the "Share" button at the bottom of the map. 
  2. Click to open a “Share this map” window. 
  3. Click the box below to "Link to share". A link and a checkmark will appear.
    Share with invitation link
  4. Click on "Copy Link" to copy the invitation link.  
  5. Now you can paste the link anywhere you like. You can use email, social media posts, other online team integration platforms, etc.

Note that anyone can visit your mind map now. Even those without a Mind Meister account. They’ll appear as anonymous. They can also edit and collaborate with your mind map by default. That is unless you turn off the editing rights for people.

You can also generate a new share link. You can disable the link sharing for your team in your Security Settings. 

Sharing Settings

From the sharing settings, you can set access rights.

  1. Find the "Share" button at the bottom of the map.
  2. Click to open a “Share this map” window. 
  3. Select “Sharing Settings”.
  4. Hover over the names of the collaborators until you see X and triangle on the right side of their entry.
    the names of the collaborators
  5. Click X to remove the collaborator from your mind map.
  6. With the triangle, you can select "Can view" or "Can edit" to change permissions.

Summary: Share MindMeister maps

  • First, before sharing a map, select the maps to share.
  • Next, click on the Edit button at the bottom of the page and choose Share from the drop down menu.
  • Then, you will see a window with several options for sharing your maps.
  • You can share it with people who already have accounts by adding their MindMeister usernames in the text field and selecting them as collaborators or reviewers, depending on what level of access you want to give them.
  • You can also send a link to your maps via email or social media to people without MindMeister accounts.