How To Add An Icon To Your SourceForge Project?

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SourceForge is a very popular code collaboration website. Lots of Free Software projects are hosted on its servers, including the well known OpenOffice project. People can report bugs or request new features, download the software and submit patches (a better description on SourceForge's website ). It's an important resource for OpenSource projects and it offers some interesting features to its users like changelogs management or a web-based file management system.

add an icon to your SourceForge project

SourceForge is an online open-sourced platform where beginners to professional developers publish their coding and project works for every aspect of people to use, review and provide guidance to make changes for changing their original works to improve and make it a better one. 

After you upload a project, it will give you the options for making various changes on how you want to view it to the people. This is an important step as the visitors will want to see the outlines or descriptions of your project before downloading it. 

You can provide them a rough idea by adding icons to your project to point out details of it as visitors will get an idea of the project by simply viewing it.

Before you get started

You must have a project uploaded to your own SourceForge account to make the changes. If not, then create your account in SourceForge and then upload your project.

Adding a logo

Adding a logo can increase the overall aesthetic view of your project. Make your logo or search for one on the web. If you manage yourself a logo, you can add your project logo to your SourceForge pages. To add a logo:

  1. Log in to your SourceForge account by typing your username and password.
  2. Go to your project by clicking Me> Profile on the top right of your SourceForge Homepage.
  3. Select the project you want to add the logo too.
  4. Select the “Metadata” option under the “Admin” tab.
  5. Click the pen icon under the “Icon” heading.
  6. Click “Choose File” and select your logo from your local directory.
  7. Click “Save” to finish your changes.
  8. Remember that logos can be in PNG, JPEG, or GIF image formats of up to 1MB picture size. SourceForge will rescale the logo to a 48x48 resolution.

Adding screenshots

You can add screenshots for additional information and also provide a view of what people are getting by viewing or downloading your project. A screenshot of your project interface will add more eagerness among visitors as they will look at it to see what your project offers. To do so:

  1. Login to your SourceForge account and select your project from the Me> Profile> My projects section. In your project webpage, select the “Screenshots” option under the Admin tab.
  2. Click “Choose File” and select one of the screenshots of your project if you have them in your system directory.
  3. Click on the “caption” blank space and write an annotation for the screenshot.
  4. Click “Upload” to upload the screenshot at the server.
  5. Each project can host up to 6 screenshots. These can be JPG, PNG, or GIF image formats of up to 300KB picture size. The dimensions of the pictures must be between 150x150 and 640x480 resolution. Any picture larger than that is rescaled to 640x480.
  6. You can also change the order of your images by dragging them and changing their positions.

You have now successfully added icons for your project for visitors to remember if they like your project.

Summary: Add an icon to your SourceForge project

  1. right click on their "overview" page and select "View page source"
  2. at the beginning of each line they will see a keyword
  3. they should post here the first line that contains a keyword which starts with "link rel="
  4. they can then get an image from (which has free icons) or from some other website (such as iconmonstr)
  5. they should post here the link of that image, if it isn't already on SourceForge's servers (we will check for its presence)
  6. This is a step-by-step guide to adding an icon to your SourceForge project.