How To Delete A Screenshot On MacBook Pro?

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When you snap the screen of your MacBook Pro, you take a screenshot of the screen. Sometimes you have taken miscellaneous screenshots, and you don’t need them anymore. The screenshots you have taken on your MacBook pro are unnecessarily occupying the space. Therefore, you want to delete them from your MacBook pro.

Delete a screenshot on MacBook pro

If you are a new user of MacBook and you already know how to take screenshots on MacBook, but don’t know how to delete them, then this article is for you. Here, you will find the step-by-step guidelines for deleting screenshots from your MacBook. Deleting screenshots on your MacBook Pro is not a difficult task. Let’s see how we can do this.

Delete the screenshots on MacBook (MacBook Air and Pro)

The process of deleting screenshots on the MacBook Air and Pro is the same. So, if you have any one of these Laptops, you can follow these guidelines.

If you want to delete a screenshot or any other file on your MacBook, you first need to select the file and then press the “Command” and “Delete” buttons together. It will throw your screenshots into the bin.

Another option is to click two fingers on the Screenshots folder you want to delete, and then from the pop-up Windows, select “Move to Bin.”

At last, go to the “Bin” and empty it, and your files will be deleted permanently.

Use Cleaner App to delete screenshots.

If you have saved your screenshots in different places, it will take a lot of time to search for these screenshots folders one by one and delete them. So, to delete all of them, you need to download and install Cleaner App from the App Store.

  1. After installing the Cleaner App, open it
  2. Find the screenshots section and select all the screenshots.
  3. Press the Review and Remove option.
  4. Remove all your screenshots by pressing “Remove.”
  5. Check if it moved to the Trash bin, and delete them from there too.

You will see that all the screenshots will be deleted in seconds.

Change the location of saving screenshots from your Desktop.

The screenshots taken by pressing Command+Shift+3 together are saved on your Desktop. Every time you take screenshots, they appear on your Desktop, and then you move them from the Desktop to another folder to make your Desktop clean. Instead of repeating the same action again and again, you can change the settings to save the screenshots in another location.

  1. First, create a new folder and rename it a Screenshot. To save your screenshots in this folder, right-click on it and select “Get info.”
  2. It will open up a new Tab and search for the “where” option.
  3. Copy the where information to the “Notes app.”
  4. Now press Command+ Space together and write terminal, press enter, and the terminal app will open.
  5. Enter the code defaults write location in the new window Tab, give space after the code, and paste the “where” information that you saved earlier in the Notes app, then write /screenshots and hit enter.
  6. Now write the code killall SystemUIServer and hit enter.

Awesome. Now, when you take screenshots, they will save in the screenshots folder that you have created.

Final thoughts

I hope that this article helped you to learn how to delete screenshots one by one from your MacBook or all at once. Further, you also know the way to create a specific folder for your auto-saved screenshots.