How To Install An OS On A Virtual Machine?

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Installing an OS can be a hard task for newbies. You don't want to mess anything up on your host machine, which is why it is recommended that you use a separate partition for your virtual machine. In this article, I will show you how to install an OS on a Virtual Machine.

Install an OS on a Virtual Machine

In general, most of our operating systems and applications are installed in the hardware system. It takes much space, and additional operating systems cannot be installed in the same hardware. But sometimes, more than one OS is required for some work. Now you can install the OS in software in the state of the hardware, and you have the flexibility to use both on the same device as you desired; this system is called Virtual Machine.

VirtualBox Download Page

Procedure to install an OS on a Virtual Machine

To install OS, first, you have to install the VirtualBox. You can download VirtualBox free from the official website. Just browse in the browser and search for or click here. Download the suitable version of VirtualBox on your computer. Then install the VirtualBox from the download folder. I will refer you to install the VirtualBox on the default settings.

After the installation, your VirtualBox is ready for work. Maintain the process to install OS on a VirtualBox:

  1. First, you have to download OS from the internet. You can install any OS on your VirtualBox. Remember, you need to download the “.iso” version OS file for the VirtualBox. I will use Windows 10 OS for my convenience.
  2. Now open the VirtualBox. To start the installation, click on the “New” icon. Now a page will pop up. It will ask you to choose a name for your OS. I will refer you to give name as your OS. Then click “Next.” Here it will ask you to select the storage amount from the ram to be assigned for VirtualBox. I will refer to the default setting.
    VirtualBox Start Page
  3. Click “Next.” Now click “Create.” After that, select the “Dynamically Allocated” option and press “Next.” Then it will ask to choose the storage size for the virtual hard disk. I will refer you to select over 10 GB. Then press the “Create” option. After that, your new virtual machine will create.
    Creating new virtual machine
  4. Now click on the “Settings” icon and then press on the “Advanced” icon. You have to change the “Shared Clipboard” and “Drag’n’Drop” settings to the “Bidirectional” option.
    Shared Clipboard and Drag’n’Drop Settings
  5. Then press on the “Storage” settings and select the “Empty” option. Then click on the “Disk” icon, select the “Choose a disk file” option, and select the OS file from the download folder. Click on the “Open” option and again click on the “OK” option. Your OS file is ready for installation.
    VirtualBox Storage Settings
  6. Press the “Start” icon and select the iso file, and then the OS setup will start. Select the default settings and press the “Next” icon. Click on the “Install Now” option. Approve the license term and proceed to the “Next” option. Now choose the “Custom: Install Windows Only” option. Then select the default option and press on the “Next” option. Now, wait until the installation is complete.
  7. After the installation, OS will automatically open. Choose the region and keyboard layout and then click “Next.” You can also add a second keyboard layout or select the “Skip” option. If you have a Microsoft account, you can log in or choose the “Domain join instead” opportunity.
  8. Enter a name that you want to use and click the “Next” Option. Now enter a password for safety and press the “Next” option. After that, choose the security questions, fill up the answer, and click on the “Next” option again.
  9. If you want to keep your activity history, select the “Yes” option or otherwise determine the “No” option. If you’re going to activate the digital assistant, choose the “Accept” option or otherwise select the “No” option.
  10. Again press the “Accept” option. Then it will take several moments to open the OS. Your OS is ready for use.

Summary: Install an OS on a Virtual Machine

  • Create a virtual machine for the operating system you want to install.
  • Download an operating system ISO file.
  • Attach the ISO File to Your Virtual Machine.
  • Start the virtual machine.
  • Install a second operating system on your virtual machine.