How To Install OS On VMware?

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Since VMware is not “intelligent” like other virtualization systems, it requires the user to make several configuration adjustments to the virtual machine, when installing OS.

install OS on VMware

This program is the best as it allows a user to run another operating system simultaneously. For the minority whose computer uses windows 10, you only need to load a full mac virtual functional machine or the XP. Make the screenplay on full screen and use it normally like any other operating system.

The procedure of installing a brand operating system in the VMware Working station is just simple and direct steps due to a wizard setup. However, for easy understanding, there are some of the screenshots you need to capture and understand.

Procedure 1

Pick your computer and go to files. What will be displayed on the screen will look like the picture below. Next, you will tab the option named New Virtual Machine.

New Virtual Machine

Procedure 2

On the screen, an image like the one below is displayed.

select typical recommended

What you have to do is to select Typical [recommended] and below it, press Next

Procedure 3

On the screen, select the opt [ how to install the operating system]. If the disc is on the drive, pick the installer disc. People are using ISO for macOS or Windows 10 ISO. Such users should select Installer disc image file [ISO].

Procedure 4

It would be best if you were keener on choosing where OS files are located. Follow the screen shorts below keenly step by step.

Select the correct disc drive

Select the correct disc drive from the drop-down menu if you select to install the OS from a disc. For that case, to install ISO, like Browse and track down the ISO picture.

Procedure 5

Press the bolded Next to continue to the screen where you put the new virtual machine name on the screen display. You will also select the position where all of its files are going to be stored. Fill in all the information required and choose Next again.

choose next again

NB: be careful when selecting the location that handles probably ultra-large files created by OS as you are using it. Some storage devices have low storage hence may force you to look for a larger storage device. If your local hard drive has very limited storage space, you can store it on an external

Procedure 6

Fill the gap defining how storage should occur with the virtual machine and finally press next to continue.

select storage virtual

Without forgetting, pick the Next option if you presume that you may relocate the VMware hard drive to a different computer one day. Importantly, be keen on the text displayed on the screen that mentions the likely performance decrease of using more than one file with a large hard drive.

NB: if you plan to store many files in this VM, choose the single file to opt; otherwise, move with multiple files.

Procedure 7

What you see on the screen will be like the image below.

properties about the memory

Pick Customize Hardware, and you can have the freedom to make any changes. The changes will be like properties about the memory, processors, disc drives, network adapter, USB controller, sound card, printer, and display.

Procedure 8

Select close to exit the Hardware screen, and lastly, press Finish and allow the computer to run. The machine will run automatically after turning on the virtual machine. The process will take some time, but you can estimate by looking at the progress bar.

looking at the progress bar

Procedure 9

Be careful and follow any on-screen prompts to start installing OS. For example, if you see ''press any key to boot from CD or DVD'', complete that to begin OS setup.

Procedure 10

From your operating system, keenly follow the directives on installation and add the Operating System to VMware Workstation.

Operating System to VMware Workstation

Summary: Install OS on VMware

  • Open VMware WorkStation
  • Create a New Virtual Machine
  • Install Windows 7 on VMware WorkStation
  • Entering the Command Prompt for Installing OS on VMware
  • Start the Virtual Machine to Install OS on VMware


Have a consideration of installing all the OS updates and any of your important programs. Such programs could be like web browser, anti-virus software, Adobe flash, and any other. Then, when you restore the VM to a state that comprises all the items, you will have saved your time by not installing again.