How To Resolve OneDrive Syncing Issues?

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One of the biggest issues most users have with OneDrive is syncing problems. I am here to help you resolve them.

OneDrive can be very useful and convenient. However, when you are experiencing a syncing issue with it, it can be a huge hassle, especially when you are in a hurry to finish your task. But, the good news is that several simple methods can fix your problem.

To Resolve OneDrive Syncing Issues

If you are looking for ways to fix your OneDrive syncing problems, you are on the perfect page. In this article, you will learn about the differences and methods on how to fix OneDrive syncing issues.

Methods on How to Fix OneDrive Syncing Issues

Here are some of the methods on how to fix the OneDrive syncing issue:

Method #1: Establish Account Connection

One common reason why you are experiencing OneDrive Syncing issues is because of account connection problems. At some point, your account might have been unlink resulting in it being unable to sync. If this is your case, here are the steps on how to resolve it:

  1. Open your OneDrive App.
  2. Click on More, then go to Settings and select Account.
  3. Click Add an account and input your OneDrive account email address.
    OneDrive account email address
  4. Proceed by following the sign-in process and click on Next.

After finishing the 4 steps mentioned above, pop-ups will appear to guide the next steps on how to complete the process. After that, your Microsoft and OneDrive accounts will now be linked and ready to sync again.

Method #2: Check and Adjust Files and Folders Size

Files and folders that are two big can also result in your OneDrive syncing problem. In some cases, although the syncing process is initiated, it can be really slow and time-consuming. The largest file uploaded on OneDrive is 10 GB, which is for both free and premium accounts.

To fix this problem, all you have to do is check the size and folder that you will be syncing. If it's beyond 10GB, compress it.

Method #3: Reset OneDrive

One of the most effective and quickest ways to troubleshoot a computer is by doing a reset, and this technique also applies to OneDrive syncing problems. Here are the steps on how to reset your OneDrive:

  1. Right-click on the cloud icon on the OneDrive app
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Close OneDrive
    Close OneDriveSuppose that you are unable to do the steps above because the icons are hidden; you can show it by using the arrow up button. If you have done that and you still don't see it, it's most likely that the OneDrive app is not running in the first place. If this is the case, you can simply go to the search box and open the app, then follow the steps mentioned above to restart it.

Method #4: Check Security Permission

If there is no security permissions control access to your folders and files, it is bound to sync failure. Here are the steps on how to fix this:

  1. Right-click on the OneDrive App, then click on Properties.
    The OneDrive App
  2. Select Security, then go to System. You will find your name under the "administrator," and it should have full access. If not, change the permission to Allow.
  3. Select your name under the User List, then click on Advanced.
    Click on Advanced
  4. Click Replace all child object permission then Apply.

Final Words

It is important to identify the root cause of your OneDrive syncing issue to avoid wasting your time. Several telltale signs indicate what's wrong in the first place, so it would be easy to identify. If all things fail and none of the solutions mentioned above works for you, you could always contact Microsoft support to give you hands-on guidance on fixing it.

Summary: Resolve OneDrive syncing issues

  • Ask your admin to fix it
  • Right-click the OneDrive cloud icon in the notification area, at the far right of the taskbar, and then click View sync problems.
  • Click the link to view more sync issues in your browser.
  • On the browser menu bar, click More , and then click Settings.
  • Under Choose how you open links, select Always in Internet Explorer on the desktop.
  • Click Close, and then restart Internet Explorer.
  • Click Sync library to restart syncing.