How To Set Internet Explorer In Full Screen?

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Internet Explorer Full Screen Mode is one of its best browsing tools and I am sure most of the Internet users use it sometimes. Here, in this article, you will get to know how to apply Internet Explorer in full screen mode with settings.

Set Internet Explorer in Full Screen

Setting your Internet Explorer in full screen is a great way to enjoy the search experience online. It is a lot easier to see the complete tabs and sites visited when your explorer is wide enough to display content either for entertainment, business, or general purposes. There are very easy ways to set your Internet Explorer in full screen. If you follow the quick steps correctly, you do not have to repeat the steps to set the Internet Explorer in full-screen mode again.

Through Keyboard Shortcut

The first thing to try for the full-screen set-up is to use your keyboard shortcut. When you close the Internet Explorer in full-screen mode, you will open it in the same mode again. You can do these in three very simple steps.

  1. Open the Internet Explorer on your computer. The minimize, maximize, and close button should appear when you are not yet in full-screen mode.minimize, maximize, and close button
  2. Press the “F11” key. This shortcut allows the full-screen mode. For some keyboards, you have to press the “Fn” key at the lower left side of the keyboard to activate the function of the “F11” key. You will see that the explorer is already in full-screen mode once it does not show the minimize and maximize button when you hover your pointer.Start browsing the internet
  3. Start browsing the internet. Be sure to leave it in full-screen mode so you can open it in the same mode again. You can do this by simply pressing the “Alt” key and then the “F4” key.

By Kiosk Mode

Locking down a Windows device through kiosk mode helps businesses to avoid customers and employees from tabbing out or browsing other apps on the computer. Setting the Internet Explorer in full-screen mode allows for quick and easy access to these employees and customers to find or supply information faster. Simply make sure you follow these steps.

  1. If you have the icon of the Internet Explorer on your desktop, simply right-click on the icon. If not, you can right-click on the start menu or the taskbar.Internet Explorer on your desktop
  2. Click on “Properties.”Click on Properties
  3. Move your pointer to the “Target” textbox and go to the end of the text in the box.
  4. In the end, type “-k”. Do not include the quotation marks and a space before the hyphen.
  5. Click on the “OK” button.pointer to the Target textbox
  6. If the Internet explorer is still open, close it. Open it again and it will already be in the kiosk and full-screen mode. If pressing the “F11” key does not toggle the screen out of kiosk mode, you have to use the “Alt” and “F4’ keys to close the browser.

Through Registry Value

Registry values is another way to set the Internet Explorer in full-screen mode which requires you to be more attentive to the steps. The steps are quite complex but following the instructions carefully will bring you the same outcome successfully.

  1. Click the “Start” button and type “regedit” into the search box. Click the program that appears in the results.type regedit into the search box
  2. Use the key hierarchy in the navigation pane on the left. It appears like this: "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain."Use the key hierarchy
  3. You will find the “FullScreen” string in the “Main” key. Double-click on that.find the FullScreen
  4. Type “yes” to replace the “no” in the text box. Do not include the quotation marks.Type yes to replace
  5. After clicking “OK”, close Regedit. Your Internet Explorer will start to appear in full-screen mode every time you use it.After clicking OK close RegeditIf you wish to change back your Internet Explorer back from full-screen mode, you can always do so by changing “yes” to “no.”

Summary: Set Internet Explorer in Full Screen

  • Open Internet Explorer and then select the Favorites button in the upper-right corner of the screen. ( If you don't see the button, click on the arrow to the right of it.)
  • Click on "Compatibility View Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  • Under Browsing history, select "Delete" to remove temp files, cookies and history. To delete this information from your PC permanently and keep your browsing activity private, click Delete when prompted.
  • In Internet Explorer Browser window, click on "Tools" Menu bar and select "Internet Options".
  • On Internet Options Window, select "Accessibility".
  • On Accessibility form, check "Ignore font styles specified on Web Pages" and then click "OK".