How To Subtract In Google Sheets?

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Apparently, you can subtract in Google Sheets. But there are different kinds of subtraction that you can use in Google Sheets. And Google Sheets seem to indicate how to do subtraction wrong. So, is there a way to tell Google Sheets how we want to do our subtraction?

Subtract in Google Sheets

Google Sheets is an excellent platform for managing all the numerical info and statistical data. It’s on par with MS Excel and growing in popularity as well. Google Sheets offer cloud save and access from any device, making it even more convenient.

You can even permit others to manage data for you and check the changelog for all the adjustments that took place. Meaning, your data is always safe. So you must know how to make these basic changes and how to revert them.

In this article, I’m going to talk about different subtraction processes in Google Sheets.

Using Formula

It’s not as complicated as the name suggests. Precisely, it’s the basic way of subtracting.

  1. Open your Google Sheet and find some cells with numbers.
  2. Find an empty cell and press “=”.
  3. Then select the cell you want to subtract from.
  4. Press “-“.
  5. Select the cell with the subtraction amount.
    subtraction amount
  6. You can manually input the subtraction amount as well.
  7. Hit enter.
    subtracted value will appear on the cell with the formula

The subtraction formula method can be used for continuous subtraction as well. For example, if you want to calculate the subtraction of a series, just keep adding cells/values to the formula, separating each with a “-“.

The Minus Function

Limited to generating the subtraction value of two cells only. You need to write the following formula on the formula panel for this one.

Formula: =MINUS(V1, V2)

Just find an empty cell, press “=”, and enter the formula. Follow the example below.

Minus formula example

Date Subtraction

Did you know that you can subtract two dates using Google Sheets? It’s an interesting feature and works in a pinch for finding the number of days between two dates. 

  1. Enter two dates in two different cells.
  2. The input must be in the US date format (mm/dd/yy)
  3. Subtract the value using the classic formula method.
    Calculating dates

This method is useful for finding the gross number of days between two dates. Global events like the World Cups use a live version of these counters to make things more interesting.

Subtraction of Sums

You can sum up two columns individually and find the gross difference. Useful for finding the final gap between two large datasets. The formula is as follows.

Formula (example): =Sum(C3:C5) - sum(B3:B5)

Sum subtraction example

Subtracting from Different Sheets

With google docs, it’s possible to derive the subtraction of two values existing in entirely different datasheets. To do so, locate your data, find where you want to display the subtract and enter the following formula.

Formula (example):  =Sheet1!B3 – Sheet2!B3

Cross sheet subtraction

So that’s pretty much it. These are the primary ways of subtracting using Google Sheets. But the good thing is, you can play around and combine different methods for performing even more complicated subtractions.

And as you develop a general understanding of how the Google Sheets formula work, you’ll be having more fun subtracting before you know it.

Summary: Subtract in Google Sheets

  • There are two ways to subtract with Google Sheets.
  • Subtract two cell values.
  • Subtract two cells from another cell.
  • Subtract two cell values.
  • Open the worksheet with the data you want to work with.
  • Click the cell where you want to put the result. In this case, the result of subtraction will be inserted into cell B3.
  • Type = (equal sign) into a new cell, then type the name of first cell followed by minus sign (-).
  • Type the name of second cell, then press Enter on your keyboard to complete your formula. Google Sheets will calculate and show you the result.