How To Uninstall Technic Launcher?

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If you have tried to uninstall Technic Launcher but have been unsuccessful, or if you are having problems with this amazing app, then we are here to help you. You will find inside our article some practical information about how to uninstall Technic Launcher successfully.

Uninstall Technic Launcher

Technic Launcher is an application by the Syndicate software Company that connects artists and creators with players. This app ensures that you have an exceptional experience when playing Minecraft. Besides, it makes it possible to choose a plethora of mudpacks and install them in no time.

It does not only installs but also modifies mudpacks components and ensures automatic updating to add new possibilities to the game. Through the Technic Launcher, players are directly linked to the things happening with the packs they download.

While this application is an effective tool, most people would like to know how to remove it from their PC for one reason or another. In this article, we will look at simple yet effective steps on how to uninstall the Technic Launcher application from your PC.

Step 1: Download Advanced Uninstaller Pro

To erase Technic Launcher, you will need to first download and install the Advanced Uninstaller PRO to your PC. This is a very efficient PC management tool that can be used as an uninstaller as well as a tool to clean your computer.

Step 2: Once installed, open the program and click on the “General Tools” category.

General Tools Category

Step 3: Several programs should open up on the rights side of the General Tools category. Click on the “Uninstall Programs” category to open it.

The Uninstall Programs Category

Step 4: Doing this will open a list of apps that have been installed on your PC. Go through the list and look for the Technic Launcher program. Alternatively, you can opt to use the search bar and type “Technic Launcher.”

Step 5: Select the application, and then click the Uninstall button at the bottom left of the page.

Click the Uninstall button

Step 6: A window will pop up, inquiring if you accept the Uninstall. Click the Uninstall button to accept, and the Technic Launcher application will be deleted from your PC.

Step 7: Once the uninstallation process is complete, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will ask you to run a cleanup for your computer. Click Next, so that the program can clean up any files, registry entries, or directories left behind after uninstalling Advanced Uninstaller PRO. This way, you will get the benefit of uninstalling the program as well as a clean and speedy computer.

How to Uninstall the Technic Launcher App Manually?

It is also possible to uninstall the Technic Launcher manually. Follow these steps to do this:

  • Hover mouse to the start button of your Windows desktop and click on it
  • From the options provided, click the Control Panel program
  • Then, click or tap on the Add or Remove programs icon
  • From the apps displayed, look for Technic Launcher and select it
  • Click the Uninstall/remove button then click Yes to complete the uninstallation.

Summary: How to uninstall Technic Launcher?

  • TIP If you want to remove all installed mods, but not reinstall Minecraft. You can keep your launcher, but delete your .minecraft folder as well as the launchers .technic/modpacks folder. This will remove all your modpacks and their worlds, but you won't have to download Minecraft again.
  • First, make sure you have downloaded the technic launcher on your computer:
  • Once you have done that, right-click on the icon and press "Open File Location". This will open up a folder called "Technic Launcher".
  •  Now open this folder and there should be an executable file called "uninstall.exe". Open this, and follow the instructions on screen.
  • If this does not work for some reason, then delete the Technic Launcher folder from where you put it when installing it.
  • People who are having trouble deleting technic launcher will find this useful.


If you are looking to remove Technic Launcher from your PC, follow these easy steps, and it will be erased in no time. If you are not able to use the Advanced Uninstaller PRO, then you can opt to do it manually, and the program will be erased.