How To Delete Monica On Mac?

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Have you ever wondered how to delete Monica on Mac? The application has been around for years, yet some people have no clue how to accomplish this seemingly simple task.  It seems like a simple question, but there are a lot of misinformed users online who claim Monica isn't actually installed on their Macs. When someone is acting like this we need to look deeper in order to help them.

Delete Monica on Mac

You can delete the Monica application or any other application from your Mac system interface by following any of these methods. These methods are easy for Mac users to remember for future purposes.

Drag and delete

You can delete your Monica app by the drag option. This process is relatively short and easy. Move your cursor to the application and drag it to the “Trash” icon on the bottom of your Mac screen. The system will delete your application.

The procedure may be a little problematic as it will only delete the application. It won’t delete your system files or cache which you don’t want after removing your app.

Deleting application from storage

To delete the application from your Mac storage

  1. Click on the “Apple” icon on the top left of your Mac screen and select the “About this Mac” option.About this Mac
  2. Select the “Manage” option from storage. Wait for some time for the storage to load your files.
  3. Select the “Applications” option and from the list of your application select the “Monica” app. Now click on the “Delete” option to the bottom right of the tab to delete your selected app.
    Delete option to the bottom right

Delete using the Finder app

You can delete all the files in your system relating to the application by this method. To delete your application using the Finder app:

  1. Click on the “Finder” app from your Mac list on the bottom.
  2. Select the “Max OS X” path under “Devices” and click on the “Applications” folder.
  3. A list of installed apps in your Mac system will be visible for you.
    Mac system will be visible for you
  4. You will see that a list of system files relating to the Monica app will be visible. They are the system files for the app which is in your system. The “Search” option will not show all the files relating to your app. You will need to delete all the files to permanently delete the app.
  5. You will have to change your search settings to find all the files relating to the Monica app.
  6. Click on the “+” icon on the right side of your tab and a drop-down option will be available for you relating to your Search settings.
    your Search settings
  7. Click on the first drop-down option and choose the kind of search you want to do. Choose the “Other” option and search “System” in the search bar to select the “System files” option from the list and tick the box beside the option.
  8. Click on the second drop-down option which restricts your search option to include the particular files or not. Click on the “are included” option to include all the system files related to the application.
  9. All of the system files along with the app will now be visible to you based on the search criteria. Drag all the files to the “Trash” icon. All the files along with the app will be removed from your system.
  10. If the application is running in your system, there will be a pop-up saying the system can’t remove the application.
    Problem for delete the app

To delete the app if it is running in your system, you will have to first close the app in your system. After closing the app, drag the app along with the related folders to the “Trash” icon. The system will then delete the app.

Summary: Delete Monica on Mac

  • Close all windows
  • Open a finder window
  • Click on Macintosh HD on the left
  • Go to Applications
  • Delete Monica