How To Send Videos On Discord?

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You want to how to send videos on Discord? On a PC or Mac device? Easy! I'll show you how to do this on Windows or Mac. You can also connect Discord and your account with your Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and YouTube login. This guide will show you everything you need to know about sending a video directly from your Discord server.

Send videos on Discord

Discord is designed to create a connection between communities in gaming, education, business, among others. People who are connected through Discord can text or share images, audios, and videos with other members. In most cases, Discord members engage with each other through individual chats. However, you can send a video to another member on Discord. This article provides a comprehensive guide that will help you send videos to other people on Discord.

1).  Open Discord

You can have the Discord application on your computer or mobile phone. Open the application and login if prompted to do so. In this case, the demonstration is done using a PC. You can locate the app by searching at the search box if it is not located on the home screen.

2).  Navigate to the receiver’s chat

Identify the chat in which you are sending the video. Click to open it. You can send a video to a private chat or a chat on a server. After opening the chat, a new chatting field will appear. The chatting field allows you to send a text to the member by texting it in the text box and pressing the send button. However, you can attach an audio, a video, or a picture before sending it.

3).  Tap the + icon in the chat you have opened

After you have opened the chat, you will see a plus (+) icon at the bottom of the chat field.

Plus (+) icon at the bottom

Tap on it, and your browser will open. A new window showing the folders with videos will appear. Choose the video that you intend to share using the mouse, and then click Open. However, you can search for a video in another folder by typing the filename of the video at the File name box.

The File name box

4).  Upload the video

A new chatting field will appear with the video you selected. Click on the Upload tab that is engraved in a green checkmark at the bottom of the chatting field. The video will then be uploaded to the chat. You can mark the video as a spoiler by clicking on the Mark as a spoiler box. This should only be done when you intend to add a comment.

Upload the video

Important Note: It is important to note that the maximum file size of any video uploaded on a basic Discord account is 8MBs. However, you can expand the file size by upgrading to a Nitro account. With a Nitro account, you can upload files of up to 50MBs. It is also important to ensure that the video is in the correct file format before uploading. Discord supports MOV, WebM, and mp4 file types.

Final Thoughts

Discord is a platform that connects communities of gamers, business people, students, among others. The platform allows the members to text and share images, videos, and audio files. If you wish to share a video with a Discord member, you can follow the above procedure. However, it is important to ensure that the file is in the right format and size before uploading.

Summary: Send videos on Discord

  • Open the Discord app on your iPhone or Android device.
  • Tap the Add Friends button in the top-right corner of your profile page.
  • Tap Add Friend.Type in your friend's Discord username, then click Search.
  • Tap Send Friend Request.Tap Your Friends.
  • Find and tap their friend request on this page.
  • Start a voice chat with them on Discord, either from a direct message or from a server channel you both have access to.
  • When they answer the call, press the icon to record footage of your screen.