How To Go Third-person In Minecraft?

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In Minecraft, when a gamer creates a new world, the player will be displayed in the first-person view. However, Minecraft allows the player to go to the third-person view while playing the game. This is a view from the outside of the player. In this view, the camera shows the player from behind or the front.

Go third-person in Minecraft

You can easily switch to the third person viewpoint using the specified game control keys. When you toggle the viewpoint from the first person to the third person, the cameras will not show the player’s eye level. Instead, you will see the player’s full body.

Switching to third-person view makes the game more interesting because the gamer can see beyond the scope of the player’s eyes. You can explore the Minecraft world with a better view of the chunks.

Switch to third person view

How to toggle to third-person mode?

You can toggle the game mode from the first person to either third-person view or third person rear view using the specified game control keys.

Third-person view

In this view, the gamer seems as if he is facing the player. In short, he sees the player from the front, as shown below.

Third Person


On the other hand, in this view, the gamer seems as if he is behind the player. In short, he sees the player from the back, as shown below.

Behind the player

Game controls for changing the views

In Minecraft, when you want to toggle between the views, you have to follow the set order of changing the views. The default view is the first person view.

Therefore, the view will change from the first person to the third person rear, then to the third person, and finally back to the first person when you press the game control keys.

The camera angles will change when you press the control keys to toggle the views. At times you may be required to press the game controls more than one time depending on the view you want

Here is a list of the control keys for different Minecraft versions on different platforms.

Minecraft version - Control keys to toggle the views

  1. Nintendo Switch version  -  Press the Left Joy Stick.
  2. Mac/PC - Press F5.
  3. PS3 - Press the Left Stick key on the gamepad.
  4. Xbox 360 - Press the Left Stick key on the gamepad.
  5. PS4 - Press the Left Stick key on the gamepad.
  6. Xbox One - Press the Left Stick key on the gamepad.
  7. Wii U - Press the Left Stick key on the gamepad.
  8. Windows 10 - F5.
  9. Education Edition (EDU) - F5.

Final Thought

In Minecraft, the game can toggle the views from the default first-person view to the third person view. This switch makes the game more interesting because the gamer will have a wider field of view beyond the player’s eye levels. The gamer has to use the specified game controls to toggle the views. The above game control keys will help you toggle the views in different Minecraft platforms.

Summary: Go third-person in Minecraft

  • Open Minecraft and click Settings.
  • Click Video Settings.
  • Click Advanced Open GL features.