How To Grow Sugar Cane In Minecraft?

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How to grow sugar cane in minecraft? Sugar cane is no different than other plants in that it requires fertile dirt and enough light. This article will teach you how to grow sugar cane.

Planting sugarcane is one of the easiest things to do in Minecraft. Not does sugarcane grow on dirt, grass, sand blocks and podzols, but it also doesn’t require sunlight to grow. However, you need to make sure that there is a water source adjacent to the block. To make this a little easier for you, here are a few things you need to know about growing sugarcane in Minecraft:

Grow sugar cane in Minecraft

1).  Crafting Table, furnace, beetroot and wheat

For survival mode, crafting table, furnace, beetroot and wheat are pre-requisites to having a sugarcane farm. The furnace and crafting table are essentials for making water containers. Also, these items can prevent you from making irrigation as the primary water source. On the other hand, you need to plant beetroot and wheat so they can grow to become sugarcane.

2).  Find a location

Location is not a problem in terms of growing sugarcane in Minecraft because light is not necessary. However, you need to consider the size of your farm. Since you are going to have a sugarcane plantation, find the location that is huge and flat. Plant your sugarcane on level ground so it won’t be hard for you to harvest it later.

Find a location

3).  Manual farm design

The primary step of having sugarcane farm in Minecraft is choosing a design. While there are a lot of ways to have a sugarcane farm in Minecraft, most of them are difficult to do for beginners. For now, we will teach you the easiest and efficient sugarcane farming method:

  • Compact sugarcane farm layout

This sugarcane farm layout is very efficient and easy to make. The only downside is during harvest time since this method could be time-consuming. This is especially true if you have a big farm.

Compact sugarcane

This layout is highly suggested for beginners because it gives the feel of sugarcane farming.

If you feel like you are used to this method, it is now the time you go for the for the automatic or advanced semi-automatic layout.

  • Semi-automatic design

Even if you are not a pro, you can immediate make a semi-automatic farm design. To do this, go to the bedrock edition where the rock easily breaks because the water source is removed.

This principle also makes harvesting your sugarcane a lot easier. If you want to improve this design, there is not much you need to do because you can easily be converted to automatic from semi-automatic.

4).  Maximize your farm area

Whatever design you have chosen, make sure to maximize the farm area. Don’t fret if you make smaller block because you can still increase it however you want.

For planting, the thing you need to do is to find and make a hole to plant your sugarcane. If you feel like you already dug enough holes, fill it with water and lily pads. On the available sides of the water, plant your sugarcane. Once you are done, sit back, relax, and wait for the plants to grow.

Summary: Grow sugar cane in Minecraft


Although it is easy to grow sugarcane in Minecraft, it is still important to take some consideration before planting them. You should not just plant sugarcane anywhere you want as this could cause problems during harvest time. Enough said, we hope you learn a thing or two in this article about planting Sugarcane in Minecraft. Happy playing!